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'''The zone of Conflicts or Energy''' as it’s called in the new versions of Mysterius is a major pain at first glance. Both quarrels and fireworks, mainly negative ones, and a danger to part at the drop of a hat, just bringing a conflict ad absurdum. All because of this zone. That’s the way we describe it on the site: If you try to win each other – you’ll get only mutual defeat. However, except for this variant there are three others. * The first – is learning to avoid dangerous spots, knowing where they are. * The second – is to use the “golden reserve”, i.e. to leave the conflict using what brings you together and support. * The third – is to use these situations for the relaxation of tensions, emotions, and struggle against something common for you – it perfectly mobilizes organism’s strength. The stronger this zone in relations, the oftener you conflict. If this zone is strong, it will be hard to save relations. The zone of Conflicts is a Pandora's box for relations. Would you like to avoid it? No problem! But then the couple will be virtually unable to strive for something together, look for adventures, overcome problems when eagle spirit is necessary, this couple cannot struggle for their existence. However, there would be total peace and harmony with the zone of Patience adjusted, of course. It will be a monastery in a word… or a cozy cottage at the world's end. It’s also a variant, I don’t deny it. If you caught a little bit from this box, we’ll recommend youhow to open it and what to do with found things to make them work for good and not for disadvantage. * first of all, '''define your points of conflict'''. The result on the site will be useful, but, of course, it won’t describe all nuances as it limited by the number of lines. You need to understand something like schemes which cause conflicts in your couple and define them in the “map of relations”. It’s good if you see flag signs and sentinels on your way to such point to understand you’re in the zone of conflict. When you has found and indicated the next point, try to leave it '''before a conflicts starts'''. Everything that helps to re-direct attention comes in useful – news, enjoyable cares and so on. * The second method – you can use everything '''from the zones Harmony, Coincidences and Development''' of your relations, for example, if conflicts arise, when one partner teaches another to live, and they have very positive perception of the partner’s appearance in the zone of harmony, then the more attractive another, the less conflict potential will be. * The third method is the most difficult. We have mentioned it when we have started speaking about laugh. Conflicts are potential and energy which strain at the leash in this way. You can re-direct it in creative channel through laugh, physical exercises, and joint adventures. If your zone of Conflicts is strong, you have luck for these relations brightness – and you are quite able to choose the color of this brightness. Generally, laugh is very good way to leave conflict situation, as laugh is also an energy, but it is creative, beneficial one. Laughing you change minus into plus, and not only siding an issue, but turning it into luck. Relations with the strong zone of Conflicts must be '''blended with joint adventures''' and you should try to take maximum of emotions in these adventures – it turns rage into pure rapture. In relations with the strong zone of Conflicts partners may feel themselves in the war – but the point is not to fight with each other. You can fight over your own business, over good cause or just to struggle for the right of any underprivileged groups or for your own rights. You can get rid of strong emotions, making love. Obviously, it is an excellent choice. Make love, not war! '''Turn berserk fury into the brilliance of your relations.''' Attention! Some conflicts can be solved using the zone of Patience Training – if a conflict is accompanied by the feeling of lack of freedom, obligations, then it’s often enough to agree with each other that the problem will disappear with the course of time, seek for ways of its solution from time to time, not trying to get everything at once and avoid discussion passing into conflict, direct the dialogue into writing, taking a break, or in some other way. '''How other zones of relations work?''' * '''[[Coincidences]]''' - chances, connections, similarities, opportunity to become organic whole or lose yourself. * '''[[Harmony]]''' - joy, enjoyment, affection, help to each other – or couples’ retiring into their shell, laziness and development stagnation. * '''[[Opposites’ unity]]''' – each other otherness, which is actually mutual complement. * '''[[Trials (patience training)]]''' - irrepressible conflicts, responsibilities, lack of freedom - or stability reliability and long-standing relations. * '''[[Development]]''' – family’s success and each of its members – or break-up resulting from the fact each develops in different directions. '''[[Misterius main]]''' page of the encyclopedia
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