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[http://misterius.ru Misterius.ru] – a project for singles and couples who want to improve their relations. Mysterius works on the same principle as an astrologer consultant. It analyses 13 planets’ connections and so-called ghost points in both partners’ horoscopes. To obtain information on horoscopes of both partners common astronomic database for each day since 1940 to 2000 is used. [[Файл:Astromap.jpg]] We consider Mysterius - a [[research project]] as it has certain rules, predictable and clear result. To analyze data an algorithm was created which uses the classic astrology basic postulates: each planet is responsible for certain relationships sphere, each of 12 types of connections has its own differences. Descriptions are developed for the majority of such variants. Their number exceeds 2000. One couple may experience up to 100 different connections, text volume for each couple reminds a short scientific paper. Up to this point this information was available in professional astrologer’s individual consultations. One cannot get it from widespread “compatibility horoscopes”. This development took 2 years and in the beginning it was realized as [http://misterius.ru a free Internet service]. A great number of feedbacks on the service site compelled creators to release ios version in October, 2011. It was marked in the category NEW and enters top-200 paid Entertainment in Russia up to the present day. Except for text information, [http://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/misterius/id479484948?mt=8 the last version] of March, 7 includes new creations – statistic data in the form of tables and diagrams. The couple’s relationships’ characteristics and potential can be observed even on the base of these data. This block is made for those who look for a partner and actively acquaints and it allows you to see how the wind is blowing. However, Mysterius is designed not only for single users. It proposes couples to work on their relations. Creators explain it as follows: “We not only provide information, but give [[some bits of advice]] to use it, avoid conflicts, find areas of common interest. Some relations’ aspects require patience, in return they bring stability, other give energy, but may provoke quarrels, and third ones build harmony. It’s important to use all these differences in a certain way, and then any situation can be improved. We hope our application will help people to become happier”.
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